ak wants to be a farmer

eat real food



Im back to Singapore from IPMT Biodynamic Agriculture course. I’ve been deeply touched by the earth, I’ve felt the rhythm of the universe, and I’ve heard the tune of my soul. I fell in love.

From being in the so call glamorous, superficial, cold and materialistic fashion industry, I made a tough decision to flee away and persue what i believe is my calling. I also made a overnight decision to be a vegetarian and stop smoking.

Life for me have been from extreme ends to extreme ends so far. I’ve never felt more warmth than what I felt in the one week IPMT course. And I just cant wait to visit a biodynamic herbalist farmer/bee keeper and a Gandhian farmer I got to know from this class in Kuala Lumpur next week. Probably cameron highlands the week after.

and why biodynamic? because we and the earth/universe are one, a fact you just cant deny.


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